Financial Freedom - Make It Plain
Road Map. That word. It existed before good ol Dubya used it. Nobody talks about plans and blueprints anymore. It is now road map. Road map for this, road map for that. Why not also road map for my Financial Freedom.
My plans, sorry road map was well laid out before I set sail. I was bubbling with them. The journey was not a physical one, but mental. The war is won and lost in the mind. I required a new mindset. Constantly thinking outside the box, until that becomes our new way of thinking. I needed to create the world I wanted within me. From past experience, if I keep at it, ultimately, it will become my new reality.
The snag was, there was a cacophony of voices in my head. Plans and counter plans. I needed to marshal my thoughts and focus them, so that I can make steady progress in the desired direction. Without a steady progress, discouragement sets in. To avoid losing focus I needed to write it, publish it. Make it Plain. Let it be the first thing I see in the morning, and the last thing at night, until it becomes internalized. Post it in my study, bedroom, above my PC, on the refrigerator door, in my face!.
A New Day
I wrote out a personal mission statement, and inspirational thoughts to spur me along. I noticed that when I put things on paper, I free up my brain to do what it was paid to do. Think. So much of my brainpower had been tied up in the business of remembering. Where I kept what, where I spent what, what is it I wanted to do etc. it was abuse of brainpower. When I write things down, I am in effect downloading from my brain unto paper. I free up my brain for processing information and imagination. I become more focused. I leave information storage for paper to do. It does it much better. It is so easy to forget what I decided last week. Paper does not forget. Even after a thousand years.
Some physical changes too do help the process. I had to create a home office. I upgraded my computer system so that I can have Internet access, with a printer/scanner to go with it. I got bookshelves with drawers and set up a filing system. I got a proper computer workstation and chair to go with it. I bought a letter tray to stack documents on my desk. Re-arranged furniture (my favourite J). Did some redecorating and throwing out some cherished junk. I mounted a bulletin board in my study to display stuff I needed to keep in view.
I was trying to tell my mind something. Yesterday ended last night. It is a new day.
Journey Begins