Financial Freedom - Everybody has a Talent
Everybody has a talent. Your innate abilities... You were born with it. You did nothing to acquire it. But if you do not use it you will lose it.
What is a talent?
Natural or special gift; special aptitude or ability.
Your talents were given to you by God as raw materials to accomplish your purpose. It is like a seed. You have to nurture it, make it spring out from the soil and blossom. If you starve it, it simply withers and dies.
We are all born with it. It is not an optional extra, but a standard specification.
There are things that come to you naturally, you "flow"?you don't have to huff and puff, to make it happen. For example; you give me a microphone, I may freeze on you. Give me pen and paper, I write nonstop; you may have to holler on me to stop!
There are things you work at, and there are things that come to you naturally. When you are there, you are playing at home, and like some football teams, they never lose at home?
Discover Your Talent
Discovering your talents/core competency is extremely vital in your journey to true freedom. You can do what you don't like, even do it well, and make tons of money. Fact is, you will burn out somewhere along the line. The passion to fuel your drive will be lacking. You will die inside, slowly. Eventually it will begin to affect your job. People will begin to wonder what went wrong.
You have to do what you love. Get paid while having fun, playing your favorites game. Discovering your talent is a major milestone in your quest for true freedom.
What do you enjoy doing? What gives you the kicks? What makes you lie away at night pondering? What gives you an adrenaline rush?
What would make you behave like Eureka, jump out of your bathtub in your birthday suit screaming "I got it!" If money ceases to be a legal tender, what would you really really want to be doing? Where do you want to live? What is your dream?